If you followed my blog for awhile, you know I was not happy with the name “Kurves” and tried to change it several times. When I tell people the name of my blog, they usually respond “Oh..is that a fashion blog? I see so many curvy fashion blogs”. . . Well, that was never my intention. I am not a Fashion Stylist therefore, this is not a Fashion blog. Yes, I do post photos of myself enjoying Life, working on a DIY or in a Budget buy. But clearly, I just wear clothes and I do not know a thing about styling this ever changing body. Also, in a google search for kurves you find everything but my blog. . .killer kurves shapewear, the diva kurves collection, etc..etc. So here we are again. . .
Madam Too Much is a nickname/alias given to Me by my niece Shay some 22 years ago and she still calls me by this name. Back then, I was an independent single woman trying to raise two kids, Shay and my Son T who was 3 years younger. . and I was “too much” to handle! Although they were basically good kids they still tried with all their might to rattle my cage and they just could not. After all, I wasn’t born this old and ‘been there done dat’. Today, they are both productive adults and once in awhile I get the big THANK YOU . . . for being Madam Too Much.
So, when it came time to really invest money into this blogging ‘ting I needed a unique name for my dot.com. This name Fits Me to a tee and I have been told by many that I can be. . .Too Much. This is evident in previous posts and my family can attest to this. Besides, the name has been with me for a long time. I did a Google search for MTM and came up with nothing, so I knew this would work. I really wanted toomuch.com but that was already taken so I settled for www.madamtoomuch.com. And, here I am. . Your SistaFriend Neti. The format is similar and I am “still. .too much“.
Now, about the Logo – – Being “too much” is associated with “Proud as a Peacock“. The phrase comes from the plumage of the male peafowl (females are peahens). When a male is courting, he spreads his tail feathers, sometimes five feet in length, out in a fan pattern to attract a female. Thus, someone who is “proud as a peacock” is similarly “too much”,”strutting his stuff” and I can relate.
THANKS for taking the time to read this post and I hope you will continue to write your comments. So, come back Here for more “Netisims” and controversial posts, just like before and tell a Friend.
What’s in a name? “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” —- William Shakespeare.