What’s in a Name


If you followed my blog for awhile, you know I was not happy with the name “Kurves” and tried to change it several times. When I tell people the name of my blog, they usually respond “Oh..is that a fashion blog? I see so many curvy fashion blogs”. . . Well, that was never my intention. I am not a Fashion Stylist therefore, this is not a Fashion blog. Yes, I do post photos of myself enjoying Life, working on a DIY or in a Budget buy. But clearly, I just wear clothes and I do not know a thing about styling this ever changing body. Also, in a google search for kurves you find everything but my blog. . .killer kurves shapewear, the diva kurves collection, etc..etc. So here we are again. . .

Madam Too Much is a nickname/alias given to Me by my niece Shay some 22 years ago and she still calls me by this name. Back then, I was an independent single woman trying to raise two kids, Shay and my Son T who was 3 years younger. . and I was “too much” to handle! Although they were basically good kids they still tried with all their might to rattle my cage and they just could not. After all, I wasn’t born this old and ‘been there done dat’. Today, they are both productive adults and once in awhile I get the big THANK YOU . . . for being Madam Too Much.

So, when it came time to really invest money into this blogging ‘ting I needed a unique name for my dot.com. This name Fits Me to a tee and I have been told by many that I can be. . .Too Much. This is evident in previous posts and my family can attest to this. Besides, the name has been with me for a long time. I did a Google search for MTM and came up with nothing, so I knew this would work. I really wanted toomuch.com but that was already taken so I settled for www.madamtoomuch.com. And, here I am. . Your SistaFriend Neti. The format is similar and I am “still. .too much“.

Now, about the Logo – – Being “too much” is associated with “Proud as a Peacock“. The phrase comes from the plumage of the male peafowl (females are peahens). When a male is courting, he spreads his tail feathers, sometimes five feet in length, out in a fan pattern to attract a female. Thus, someone who is “proud as a peacock” is similarly “too much”,”strutting his stuff” and I can relate.

THANKS for taking the time to read this post and I hope you will continue to write your comments. So, come back Here for more “Netisims” and controversial posts, just like before and tell a Friend.

What’s in a name? “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” —- William Shakespeare.


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This is your friend-plus-enemy in one. They’re these females who pose as friends, but in reality, have ill intentions.

These supposed “friends” like to know about you and what’s going on in your life so that they can use it against you, copy you and take the credit, or celebrate your faults and mishaps. These girls are everywhere – at work, in your circle of friends, at the gym, or at your family’s BBQ. The most dangerous of these are your work buddies. You know that girl . . she not only wants your job, she also wants your Life! The work Frenemy brings you news about others, comes to complain about her boss and solicits your comments to use against you. These “brown nosers” pretend to want to be better at their job. Beware of the new so-very-friendly girl who just wants to bond with you and does not have a boyfriend. If the boss is a man and he his very vulnerable she is the new bait and can be threatening.

The reason frenemies are hard to spot is because they are manipulative and have been practicing their craft. You know you have the makings of friend-plus-enemy when you get that feeling of mistrust. Trust those feelings and pay close attention to her conversations, attitudes and they way she is dressed. If you are positive that a frenemy has made it into your circle of friends you have to phase her out. Kicking her to the curb might makes matter worse, and you do not want to piss her off, if you confided some things to her in the past or she is sleeping with the boss. Your hand is now in the lion’s mouth and you have to pull it out slowly. . . continue to be friendly but do not give her any ammo!

Gossip, conversations of personal struggles, financial woes and pending decisions must Stop. Keep your Friends close and your ‘Frenemy’ closer.


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Bob’s Quotes


“He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.” – Bob Marley

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